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Warning Signs of Depression in Men

Sometimes your energy is high, sometimes it’s low. That’s to be expected, and those fluctuations are probably part of the normal cycle of your life.

But if you’re finding it hard to pull yourself through your daily activities, or if you’ve lost interest in things that used to give you joy, that’s a sign that something’s not right. When your body lacks energy, it’s often because you’re depressed. And depression is nothing to ignore or try to push through.

At Men's T Clinic®, our physicians are committed to improving the physical and mental health of all of our clients in Dallas, Frisco, The Colony, Houston, Cypress, Pearland, Pasadena, Grapevine, and Spring, Texas. We know from personal and clinical experience how deeply intertwined our mental health is with our physical health.

Is your fatigue caused by mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety? Here are a few telltale signs.

You're pissed off all the time

That seems counterintuitive, doesn’t it? If you’re depressed, don’t you just feel like shutting the door and crawling under the blankets? Not necessarily.

Depression manifests differently in men than it does in women. One symptom of depression in men is feeling angry and acting aggressively. This can make it difficult to get a diagnosis and receive appropriate treatment.

When you lash out at loved ones and friends, they may withdraw or just dismiss you as being an “asshole.” But men who are “assholes” are often dealing with serious mental health issues that put them at risk for suicide.

If you’re pissed off, channel some of that energy into a phone call to the Men’s T Clinic®. Your depression may have physical roots, including untreated, underlying diseases. 

You might also benefit from effective therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), which doctors use to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Our doctors can refer you to a specialist so you get the help you need.

Your memory is shot

You don’t even feel like talking some days because every time you try to think of a name or remember an event from the past, it just stays locked in some far-off part of your brain. If it’s even in there at all anymore. 

Having trouble remembering — or focusing — is another sign that you could be depressed. When your brain isn’t working properly, it’s not getting the energy it needs to function well and quickly.

You may be low in important hormones, or may be missing nutrients in your diet that your brain needs to support its neurons and synapses. And when your brain isn’t working at its best, that frustration can exacerbate your depression.

Nothing seems worth it

Sex is boring. Exercise is boring. You don’t even like to eat as much as you used to.

When you’re depressed, it’s hard to feel the range of emotions that used to excite you every day. You may lose interest in your most cherished sports or hobbies. You might stop visiting friends or seclude yourself from your family. 

Or, you may have anxiety that prevents you from going out in public at all. It feels easier to stay home. Alone.

If you’ve been dropping out of normal activities, or are finding it hard to get interested in or excited by anything, you may need help finding your way back to joy. (If you’re depressed, you might even think the whole concept of “joy” is bunk.)

Luckily, depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders are treatable. Our doctors work with you to find the root causes of your fatigue, and then make recommendations or referrals so you start to feel like yourself again. 

It could be your hormones

If you’re feeling fatigued, you could be low in essential hormones such as testosterone (T) and thyroid hormones. As part of your workup at Men’s T Clinic®, we check your hormone levels with blood tests.

If you’re low in T or thyroid hormones, our doctors recommend hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to normalize your hormonal balance. They may also suggest lifestyle changes, including improving your diet, adding more movement into your life, and getting enough sleep.

Don’t ignore depression or fatigue. Contact our Men’s T Clinic® office that's nearest you by phone or through the online booking form to determine why you’re fatigued and get the remedy that’s right for you.

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